Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Yesterday my daughter started second grade yesterday. She was so excited to start school. I am so proud of my little girl. She is growing up so fast. I so enjoy the time that we get to spend together.
I have a loot to say about religion, as you can tell. And there is one thing that really irks me about the majority of most religions. That is that they all claim to be the one, only true way; and one, only true church...... Yes, even some Pagan groups can be thrown into this batch.
I don't see why that all matters when we are all heading in the same direction no matter what path we take.
Then on top of that, how could we delude ourselves into fighting religious wars all in the name of God. Since we are all God's creations, do you really think that He/She is happy to see us spilling each others blood, taking lives; all in His/Her name? Truly, I do not believe that at all.
That is one of the reasons why I cannot stand by one religion alone. They all have parts of the truth. Yet, there is also science that you need to include there. Science is a part of God and doesn't go against any religion. It is simply us trying to understand how God creating everything.
Also, (this can be backed up by quantum physics), when you reduce everything down to the level beyond atoms, everything is made up of energy. You can never destroy energy.
We are made up of energy just like everything else that you see around you. Not only that, but we, our bodies, are made up of the same stuff that is found in stars, in the planets, in the universe.....
So it would seem to be that since at the basis of everything is energy. Even our thoughts are energy and we can use those thoughts to change that energy. There by comes the term that we create our own destiny/lives.
Also it is the same basic thing that happens when your pray, chant, cast spells. Same basis, yet different modes of operation.
Yes I do still believe in God and Christ and the Holy Spirit.
I fell though, that there is a type of awakening going on. Or maybe it is just some particular souls who are experiencing this now and are instruments to help mankind to better themselves and to assist them in coming to understand more about God.
I once had a similar conversation with a friend and we came to the conclusion at the tiem that maybe there are angels who have been born here and are helping this movement/awakening along. I haven't come to any serious conclusions yet on that one.
Who knows...
What I do know also, is that what ever seems impossible , is possible. And what we can achieve is limitless.
These findings also back up the "Three Fold Law". That whatever it is that you send out by actions, intentions, and thoughts, comes back to three times as what you sent out. For positive or negative.
Also it shows that we are capable of manifesting what our dearest desires are. Well, within reason. Like I don't think we would want to raise the dead per say.........
I think this one saying, "As above, so below. As within, so with out." Sums up a lot of it also.
Also, I still love the Wiccan creed, "An Ye Harm None, Do As Ye Will." It's a good think to keep in mind.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Inner Truths
Alright let me sum up the past couple of weeks.
After attending Mass and watching Daily Mass on EWTN I noticed that this huge void started filling the center of my being and feeling of fear, dread, and anger started to permeate my whole being. It was quite literally like there was something darker pulling me back away from the Catholic church.
I began to fear what my family would think of me, fear that they would hate me and persecute me. Feelings of guilt for haven't done something wrong, of which I hadn't.
So I didn't go the next weekend.... Yes, interestingly enough the expected outcome happened. It subsided.
I went to the LDS church with my Mom today and was rather disappointed. Majority of it was nothing but about the pioneers. Only a little was said that had to deal with Christ.
The sacrament isn't taken anywhere nearly as seriously as it should be. It is the body and blood of Christ and yet it is treated like it is nothing.
No, I didn't take part of it.
Now my Mom feels bad because she felt that church went badly and now I won't want to go.
Well, if I don't it won't be based on how well it all went.
I didn't find Christ there at all. Yes I will still go with my Mom. Yet I don't think that is where I truly want to be. So the jury is still out on a suitable outcome for that.
Other news... I have been once again watching a lot of stuff on astronomy and paranormal stuff.
I can't stand watching any other paranormal shows that are ghost hunting except for Ghost Hunters. They had the most credible evidence. Not just some psychic who is "feeling" something. I am not saying all psychics are frauds cause then I would be calling myself one. (I am an empath and clairvoyant.)
And once again contemplating such things as what will happen when the Sun dies. When I contemplate that, it really makes it not seems so important what kind of car you've got, clothes you wear, or what you've got. It is all impermanent. The stars, our sun, the planets all have a life cycle just like we do. We are all born, live and then pass on.
Then to think when I look at the sky, that when the Sun becomes a red giant, it will take up 1/4 of the sky.
I've been reading the book "The Secret". I definitely recommend it as an interesting and useful read.
I finished reading The Host and that was a very interesting book. Mainly in part of the fact that you see everything through the eyes of the the alien species instead of the just fear crazed humans.
All of this leads me to wonder when are as a species ever going to let ourselves rise above all the fear, anger, and hate. When are we going to finally realize that there is so much more to everything than just what we can see.
I am a firm believer in the fact that knowledge is power. Knowledge also leads one to make informed decisions and to think for oneself.
It also leads to one having a more open mind and heart.
Lately I have also been taking time to lift my mood by saying thank you for so many things that I do have. My strength, my health, my hands, my eyes, my voice, music, my daughter, mother, family, and many more things.
God is beyond so much more than what we can possibly comprehend and the say that one religion has got it right is plain ignorance.
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