Thursday, October 2, 2008

That is my story folks.......

Holy crumb cakes Batman!

I swear! To live my life you have to be able to laugh!
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

I get my FIRST EVER speeding ticket and less than a week later.......... SOMEONE REAR-ENDS ME!!!!!! ON MY WAY HOME FROM AN APPOINTMENT WITH A PSYCHIATRIST!!!!!!!!!!!


I read my horoscope late at night and it tells me that, that day was a good and positive one! Only to be told that the next day was going to SUCK!!!!!!


I am walking around at the store and I feel this cramping and (Oh crap! Do I dare mention this??!!??!!??????), I feel LEAKING like as if I was losing my bladder control! And I think that this must be crazy! How can I? I'm not THAT old! Or else when I fell down the stairs Sunday must have jarred me much more than I thought!
Well I get home and LO AND BEHOLD............... It's Me Monthly Friend come calling.....


Now I have to go see my counselor only to be told by her, I am sure, how much more my WHOLE life sucks...... And leave there feeling even more depressed than when I arrived. UGH!

So you see my friends, when you live my life; you need to be able to laugh... :D

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