Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Maddie :)

Today I mailed off the Lego Star Wars set that i bought her. It was Darth Vader's TIE Fighter.

She has been looking for it ever since I told her last week that I was going to get it for her. So she was all excited to know that I sent it off. It should be there in a couple of days.
My Mom told me that she hasn't been bringing her homework home lately so she told Maddie that if she doesn't bring home her homework, she doesn't get the package untill she does.
She's doing good in school. So far.... Though her teacher is out for probably the rest of the school year, and she has a sub. That doesn't help anything.
I asked her tonight if she had seen Star Wars: Phantom Menance yet and she told me that she had. i was going to buy that for her. But apparently she has see the first three. But not any of the ones with Luke Skywalker in it. I might get her one of those movies, but I am not sure.
She told me also about that she has the soundtrack to Phineas & Ferb. One of her favorite shows. One of my favorite episodes that i watched with her back in the summer was called "Chez Platypus" and on there was a song that the evil scientist in the show sings to this girl her meets. It's called "Evil Love". (Video below)

Aparently you can also watch episodes on YouTube :) So I think one of these nights I am going to have to watch a couple of episodes when I get bored.
It helped to talk with her. It made me happy :)
My Mom is on medication for her heart, but they still have no idea why her blood pressure was so high. Atleast it is staying down for now.
I worry about Steve's health because of his past and he takes pills for high blood pressure. But it scares me sometimes that something could happen to him. I wish he would care a little more about himself cause I love him and I am going to get married to him, but I want to spend years and years with him. DECADES with him.
THe other night, Steve and I were at a craft store and they had posters there that had sayings on them that had to deal with life. My favorite was this:
"Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly"
I liked it :)

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