Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Don't Know........

This past year has been such a hell-ride that is it isn't even funny!

In and out of the hospital twice! Men who can't stand the heat! Save for one......

Getting blamed by some poor dweeb for the natural reactions of his body.... F*@#!$%^#)*&$!!!!!! Only to be followed by me having to call the cops just to get an ex to LEAVE ME ALONE!

And then my family..... Holy crap! I have come to the realization that we all are a bit tetchy. And we are all our own individuals.

Karma is paying my ex-husband a visit. Everyone says I should be happy, but how can you find joy in another's sorrow?

And then people who say something and then never follow through........ UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just don't know...............

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