Friday, June 27, 2008

Okay... So my daughter is off with her dad this weekend.
Sometimes it irks me to let him have the weekend with her, but I am not about to begrudge my daughter of having time with her father. I miss her right now. The house gets quieter when she is away.
I saw my therapist today. And we discussed how I tend to wait to do anything on my own cause I have tended to wait for someone to say it is ok. Or acceptable.
And right now I have am immense to exercise my individual rights as the intelligent, sentient, being that I am.
I always lived with this mis concept that I was subjugated to what other wanted me to be, or think, or feel. Which contributed to my not really knowing WHO I was. Now it is all coming out. The truth of who I am.
I find myself embracing it with open arms, an open mind and heart and soul. Embracing who I truly am and living that truth, instead of being and doing what others say.
I am so looking forward to being able to go into a relationship now with this new found strength and self awareness. So that I will be that strong, faithful, honest, loving, devoted wife and partner for my husband to be, as he will be for me. I feel that I am ready to open myself to this now.
More so I have opened myself to God. And making improvements with my relationship with God.
I still have the streak in my soul that wants to run and dance out in the moon and star light.
Looks like there is my next step. To integrate all three.

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