Monday, March 22, 2010

Have You Ever......

Have you ever felt like you wanted to do something so bad; but then, at the last second you second guess yourself. And then you are stuck with never knowing what would have happened if you had done it.
Then in somethings it seems it is better to not do it and save yourself the embarrassement, and agony. Ok, maybe agony is too strong of a word. But i really don't know what else to stick there.
Lately i can see that i let fear drive my actions and choices. I get scared of the unknown outcome and I back down.
Talked to my Mom and found out that Maddie is bringing her homework home. And as i predicted, my ex didn't call my mom. No surprise there.
I am worried about my daughter. She is wetting the bed and I can only come to, two answers as to what is eating her. 1- I am out of state and she has told me more than once that she wants me to go back. 2- She is really having problems with my ex. She said that she doesn't want to go over there anymore and that she hates her dad cause he always lies to her.
Being here, i can't do squat. I hate having my hands tied.
I miss her smile.

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